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night sweat 盜汗。

night terror

This types of syndrome is mostly seen in patients with weak constitutions or in the later stage of a disease and in different kinds of chronic cases , marked by lassitude , pallid complexion , palpitation , short breath , spontaneous perspiration , night sweat feverish sensation in the chest , palms and soles or aversion to cold , cold extremities , feeble pulse , etc 這一類型的證候大多出現于體弱的病人、疾病的晚期和各種慢性病中,癥見神疲體倦,面容憔悴,心悸氣短,自汗,盜汗,五心煩熱,畏寒肢冷,脈虛無力等。

Most infected people look healthy and have no signs or symptoms . however , even asymptomatic infected people can transmit the virus to others . some infected people may have symptoms like tiredness , fever , poor appetite , weight loss , diarrhoea , night sweat and swollen glands . as the hiv disease progresses with time , the patient will develop more serious illnesses 大部份受感染者都不會顯示任何病徵,不過他們仍可以將病毒傳給別人,有些人當病情逐漸惡化時會有疲倦,發熱,缺乏食欲,體重減輕,腹瀉,夜間盜汗及淋巴結腫大的癥狀。

The common signs of menopause syndrome include hot flush , night sweat and menstrual imbalance . one can also become overly suspicious , nervous , anxious and suffer from poor memory and insomnia . there will also be signs of skin aging , weight gain , lost of confidence etc “更年期綜合癥”常見的癥狀有熱潮紅盜汗月經失調情緒不穩定疑神疑鬼緊張焦躁記憶力差不易入眠皮膚老化容易發胖失去自信

The herbal alternaties for menopause trial ( halt ) , was a one - year , double - blind , randomized , controlled trial comparing the effects of three formulations of black cohosh with hormone therapy and placebo for relief of hot flashes and night sweats 選擇性本草植物治療更年期試驗( halt ) ,是一項長達一年的,雙盲的,隨機對照的試驗,比較黑升麻、激素和安慰劑3種方式對熱潮紅和盜汗的緩解作用。

Since last spring , jeff cross , 29 , had been tormented by night sweats , a side effect of the rare genetic illness that threatened to kill him unless he got a new liver 從去年春天起, 29歲的杰夫?克羅斯天天被盜汗所困擾,這源于一種罕見的基因遺傳病變,除非他獲得一個新的肝臟,否則疾病將威脅他的生命。

If one does not experience night sweats or surges of heat during the day , it is a sign that the kundahlini is not functioning enough to allow for an ascent to 3000 strands 如果一個人并不經歷夜晚出汗或白天潮熱,這則是昆達里尼并沒有足夠運作以允許提升到3000股的標志。

She developed enlargement and soreness of her right parotid gland , but no fever , adenopathy , weight loss or night sweats . a ct scan showed thickening of her parotid gland 她出現右側腮腺腫大和疼痛,但無發熱、腺病、體重下降和盜汗。 ct掃描顯示腮腺增厚。

The symptoms of pulmonary tb include low - grade fever , night sweats , fatigue , weight loss , a persistent cough and blood in sputum 肺結核的病徵包括輕微發燒盜汗疲倦體重下降長期咳嗽和痰中帶血。

Often times it is easier for the kundahlini to run unobstructed at night leading to the experience of night sweats 經常的情況是,在夜晚,昆達里尼更容易毫無障礙地運作而帶來夜晚的出汗。

C . psychological factors . anxiety , nightmares , and psychoactive preparations can precipitate night sweats in healthy individuals 精神因素。焦慮、噩夢及興奮劑可導致健康個體盜汗。

Systemic symptom basically is calorific , fatigue and unwell , night sweat , inappetence , gradually angular wait 全身癥狀主要是發熱、疲憊不適、盜汗、食欲不振、逐漸消瘦等。

Night sweats are drenching sweats that require a change of bedding 盜汗為淋透性出汗,需換床單。

Just treat night sweat to dizziness originally 本方治盜汗眩暈。

People with perspiration and night sweat when sleeping 睡眠時經常流汗,盜汗的人。